
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 104 - The Feast Of The Holy Family

This week on The Gary Zimak Show, Gary looks at the Mass readings for the Feast of the Holy Family. By examining the life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we can better understand the importance God places on the family. It's a lesson the world needs to learn!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 103 - The Word Became Flesh

Join Gary as he looks at the Mass Readings for the 4th Sunday of Advent. As we approach the end of the Advent season, the Church calls attention to the monumental event when the Word became flesh and dwelled among us. Get ready - the Savior is coming!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 102 - Rejoice, The Lord Is Near!

Rejoice! That's the message we hear on the 3rd Sunday of Advent. Join Gary as he takes a closer look at the reason for rejoicing. The Lord is near. It's time to get excited!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 101 - Prepare The Way Of The Lord!

Join Gary as he takes a closer look at the Mass readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent. This week, the message centers around preparation. What can we do to prepare to welcome Jesus? Tune in and let's discuss!