
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 055 - Rising From The Dead

As we continue our Lenten journey, we are becoming increasingly aware that we will soon be celebrating the Lord's Resurrection. Join Gary as he looks at the Mass readings from the 5th Sunday of Lent. We'll hear the powerful story of how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and recognize it as a sign of what lies ahead!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 054 - From Panic To Peace

As the Coronavirus continues to spread, the tendency to panic becomes greater and greater. On this week's show, Gary will address this very real threat and focus on possibly the most popular and comforting psalm ever - Psalm 23. The good news is that, no matter what happens, God is still in control. Tune in and let's shift our focus back to Him!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 053 - God Will Provide

On this week's episode of The Gary Zimak Show, you'll be reminded of a very important and comforting thought - God wants to provide for all of your spiritual and material needs. Join us as Gary breaks open the Mass Readings for the 3rd Sunday of Lent. After hearing what he has to say, you will hopefully realize something extremely important. God WILL provide!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 052 - Following Jesus

Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that, as followers of Jesus, He's supposed to be leading and we should be following! The Mass readings for the 2nd Sunday of Lent are all about following the Lord wherever He goes. Join Gary as he breaks open the Bible and reminds us of the role of a disciple. Even when the road gets rough, sticking with Jesus will give us the peace we seek!