
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 029 - Don't Forget About Those In Need!

Sometimes we get so focused on our own needs that we forget about the needs of others. In the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Jesus reminds us to look out for those in need. It's a tough message, but one that we all need to hear. Tune in and let's discuss!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 028 - Helping The Poor

The Parable of the Dishonest Steward is can be very difficult to understand. Jesus almost seems to be praising dishonest behavior. In reality, however, He is trying to get our attention in order to deliver a message about the importance of helping the poor. It's a tough message, but one that is essential to grasp. Rich or poor, Jesus speaks directly to each of us in this parable. Don't make the mistake of ignoring His words!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 027 - The Prodigal Son, God’s Mercy and You!

We hear about God's mercy and love so often that we sometimes fail to appreciate it. This week, Gary looks at the parable of the Prodigal Son and what it means to each of us. While it's true that the Lord's mercy is infinite, there is something we must do in order to receive it. Tune in and let's discuss!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 026 - The Cost Of Discipleship

What does it take to be a disciple of Jesus? According to the gospel, it requires much more than just going to Mass on Sunday. This week, Gary will examine Jesus' words on the requirements of discipleship. While it's true that following Christ requires us to leave our old way of life behind, doing so will give us the peace we seek!