
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 025 - Choosing Your Seat

What does it mean to be humble? Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with thinking poorly of yourself. Join Gary as he discusses what Jesus said about the importance of choosing the right seat when you're invited to dinner. Huh? Don't will make sense once you listen to the show!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 024 - Everyone Is Invited!

The Gospel for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time contains a startling reminder - the gate to salvation is narrow! Jesus' words are so shocking that we sometimes fail to listen to His full message. This week, Gary will unpack this challenging Gospel and explain why it is actually fantastic news. Tune in and find out why!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 023 - Not Everyone Will Be Happy With The Good News!

As evidenced by the life of Jesus, not everyone wants to hear the Good News. Therefore, it should come as no surprise when we encounter resistance as we attempt to share the Gospel. Tune in as Gary discusses the Mass Readings for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Even though it may be challenging at times, don't give up. The Lord is right there with us and is counting on us to spread His message!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 022 - Stay Awake!

As Catholic Christians, we know that the Lord will one day return in glory. Because it hasn't happened in two thousand years, however, we tend to think that it won't occur for a long time. This week, Gary looks at the Mass readings for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The message is all about staying awake and being ready, but there's a catch. We should be prepared to meet Him TODAY because WE WILL!!! Even if it's not the second coming, there are many ways to encounter Jesus every day and we should be ready. Find out more on this episode of The Gary Zimak Show!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 021 - Keep Your Focus On God (Not On “Stuff”!)

The world tells us that security and happiness can be found in "stuff" (money, success, possessions), but the Bible tells us just the opposite. This week, Gary will discuss the Mass readings for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. In each reading, we are reminded that the things of this world will not last. Unless we focus on God, we are wasting our time!