
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 012 - Come, Holy Spirit!

By taking on a human body, Jesus could only be in one place at a time. After He ascended into heaven, however, the Lord would now be available to anyone who needs Him at any time of the night or day. In addition, His departure would enable Him to send the Holy Spirit to help us live holy and joyful lives. In this episode, we'll discuss the life-changing gift of the Holy Spirit and what we can do to stir up His power in our lives!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 011 - Praying With Confidence

When you pray, do you expect God to hear and answer your prayers? While we obviously believe that prayer has some value (or else we wouldn't pray), we often get discouraged when the answers don't come quickly enough. Sometimes we question if God even hears our prayers. This week, we'll open up the Bible and look at some great examples of expectant prayer. Through these powerful examples, you'll learn how to keep your eyes on the Lord as you wait for your prayers to be answered!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 010 - Hey Look…It’s Jesus!

We often get so distracted with our daily cares and responsibilities that we lose sight of the fact that the risen Jesus is right beside us! This week, we'll look at how He appeared to several of the Apostles (John 21) as they were fishing. After a frustrating night (they caught nothing), Jesus showed up and everything changed. Just as He did with the dejected Apostles, Jesus comes to us every day in the midst of our ordinary lives and is ready and willing to help. We just have to recognize Him. Let's discuss how to make it happen!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 009 - Back To The Tomb!

This week, we go back to the empty tomb and look at how Mary Magdalene reacted to the evidence that Jesus did indeed rise from the dead. Just like her, we often spend so much time weeping over the problems in our lives that we fail to recognize the risen Lord in our midst. We'll discuss what finally enabled her to see Jesus and what you can do to see Him too!

The Gary Zimak Show - Episode 008 - The Empty Tomb: It’s All How You Look At It!

After Jesus rose from the dead, many of His followers reacted to the empty tomb with sadness. Instead of rejoicing because He is risen (as He said), they were sad because His body was missing. How do you react to the difficult situations in your life? Are you able to see the risen Lord or are you filled with sadness or despair? Join Gary as he offers suggestions for finding Jesus always - even in the darkness!